
Rejuvenating the Smile to Flatter Your Facial Shape and Features

The smile is a vital component of overall facial aesthetics. The experienced cosmetic dentists at the DENTAL STUDIO consider your entire face when making recommendations for improving your smile. We also know that feeling good about your smile means you will share it more freely, without hesitation. Our entire team wants you to feel great about the appearance of your teeth and gums.

Your Smile And Your Self-Confidence

A beautiful smile begins with the way you feel about it. No matter the exact condition of your teeth, your inner beauty really shows when you smile confidently. If you feel embarrassed about your teeth and/or gums, then you may be less likely to smile, laugh and be expressive when interacting with other people. That can cause several problems in life:

While these issues lean toward the most extreme end of the spectrum, the fact is that it feels good to smile. It also feels good to have a positive perception of how you look, and your smile is a big part of that. Don’t let embarrassment about your teeth hold you back any longer; consult our dentists to get custom tips for improving your smile aesthetics and your dental health.

How Our Dentists Tailor Treatments To Your Unique Face

When making cosmetic dentistryrecommendations, our experienced dentists consider your whole face. Your smile, your eyes, nose, cheeks and jaw are all important components of your overall facial appearance. Each should be in harmony with the other. Cosmetic dentistry treatments not only improve the appearance of your teeth, but can also be used to improve symmetry and balance in the face. Our dentists will look at your facial features and facial shape as they design the most beautiful smile for you.

The underlying structure of your face is very important to the final results of cosmetic dentistry. Our dentists are trained in facial anatomy. They look at the bone and muscle structure when making determinations about how your smile should look. This comprehensive approach to facial aesthetics provides flattering, beautiful results tailored to you.

Get Started On Improving Your Smile Today

If you are interested in rejuvenating your smile, please arrange a consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic dentists. Schedule your appointment by calling the helpful team at the DENTAL STUDIO, at 415-392-5025. Our comfortable, elegant office is located in San Francisco, and we proudly provide dentistry for people from across the Bay Area, including San Rafael, Oakland and Berkeley.